A webinar with Rachel Hawkes: Culture and Cultural Capital in the Language Classroom

Saturday 5th December 2020

Description of event:

This webinar is the first of two December webinars led by Rachel Hawkes. They are in aid of a project to provide for the essential needs of children in the Casa Hogar Amor de Dios orphanages in Arequipa, Perú. Please made a donation, no matter how small, to https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/rachel-hawkes

Note that there is a separate link for the 2nd webinar, Making practice meaningful. 

Most (all?!) teachers would say that language and culture are linked, and you can’t teach one without the other.  What do we mean when we say this? What is culture in the languages classroom? How can we integrate cultural content in an optimum way? How does language learning contribute to our learners’ cultural capital?

This session is packed with resources and teaching ideas (freely downloadable) in French, German and Spanish.  There will also be the chance to see Sanako Connect in action, Sanako Connect on-line supporting remote teaching and learning (in Peru!).


All resources (French, German, Spanish) are freely downloadable from the NCELP Resource Portal. There will also be the chance to see Sanako Connect in action, using meaningful practice tasks to support remote teaching and learning (in Peru!).


Dr Rachel Hawkes is an influential and renowned speaker as well as past President of the Association for Language Learning (ALL), an experienced Head of Modern Languages, AST and SLE.  Co-author of several textbooks, including the Pearson textbook for GCSE Spanish (¡Viva!) and the KS3 Stimmt! course for German, Rachel has both MEd and PhD from Cambridge University, focusing on teacher and learner interaction in the secondary languages’ classroom.  She is currently seconded as Co-Director NCELP, the National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy.

NCELP (National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy)
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Please read the Webinar page of our website for more information about how to join a Webinar.  In particular, please read our etiquette on participating in a webinar: http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/webinars/webinar-information/

It is very easy – you just click on a link and you can see and hear!  Please do not pass the link to people who have not signed up and read the etiquette as this can cause problems.  We look forward to seeing you!


Link to PowerPoint presentation on NCELP site

Class photos:

Class chat

00:35:52 katia jullien: Hi from Norwich!
00:35:58 Mary Gameson: Hello from sunny Norwich! I teach Special Needs
00:36:20 Mary Gameson: Hi Katia – also from Norwich!
00:36:40 Marie-Odile Guillou : Yes, I am a member. 🙂
00:36:42 Mandi Kimberly : Yes – departmental membership – well worth it!
00:36:42 Pilar Navarro: I am a member.
00:36:49 Gisele Mahoney: yes I am a member!! 🙂
00:36:50 Crista Hazell: Most definitely! I have been for over 20 years!!
00:36:50 Carole Zander: I used to be
00:36:50 Lauren Sharpe: I’m a member! In Nottinghamshire
00:36:51 ruth: i’m a member
00:36:52 Laurence Gillham: Yes a very grateful member!
00:36:53 Mary Gameson: Yes, I’m in the ALL
00:36:54 Didier.Vastel: Hi from Yorkshire – not a member, sorry.
00:36:54 Simone Conboy: ALL member Yorkshire and the Humber!
00:36:56 Vera: isn’t it Saturday the 5th?
00:36:59 Laura Danese: Just renewed as NQT (Supply)
00:37:01 Rosemary Hicks: Yes I am a member and have been for many years
00:37:01 Katherine Collings: I am a member and find local support particularly valuabel
00:37:04 Carmen: I am too
00:37:11 Mel: Mel from Burntwood, Staffordshire. I’m a member!
00:37:16 Liz Fotheringham: ALL member and member of London branch committee
00:37:18 Andrea Rudd: No I am not a member at present
00:37:23 Fatou Le Moine: Hi
00:37:31 una2f: Am a member of ALL and it is brilliant way to share good practice and keep up to date!
00:37:32 Steven Fawkes: Hurrah for members and volunteers who give so much to each other !
00:37:34 M Strong: I am a member – fantastic help in this very strange year as a GCSE/ A Level teacher
00:37:38 Paolo: not yet a member
00:37:41 Fiona McFadzean: Not a member, as still a student. What would the advantages be from someone who isn’t based in England?
00:37:55 Karine Chevalier-Watts: Bonjour! I am also a member and happy to attend this webinar.
00:38:07 Catherine M. Salkeld: I’m a member of ALL. Steven Fawkes keeps us very well informed in the north east. 🙂
00:38:12 Steven Fawkes: Fiona – are you in Scotland?
00:38:18 Fatou Le Moine: Bonjour, to what are you advising to be member I missed the start of the webinar
00:38:27 Fiona McFadzean: Steven, yes, Scotland!
00:38:31 Steven Fawkes: Member of ALL
00:38:52 Laura Danese: I have contribute, wonderful cause!
00:39:42 Karine Chevalier-Watts: I’ve also sent a donation yesterday. This is a great initiative! Thank you Rachel.
00:40:29 Helen Myers: could everyone mute their mics please
00:40:34 Steven Fawkes: So you have SALT in Scotland, of course, but ALL Members and SALT members have lots in common of course 🙂 Check out www.all-languages.org.uk
00:41:58 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Absolutely, even grammar is connected to culture.
00:42:14 Fiona McFadzean: Ah ha, yes, I’ve been to a couple of SALT events. Thank you!
00:45:12 Marie-Odile Guillou : Indeed just like rouge, for Fr people!
00:45:20 Suzi Bewell: Sadly culture is often seen as separate or an add on so great to hear Rachel stress their interconnectivity!
00:45:26 Helen Myers: This webinar is the first of two December webinars led by Rachel Hawkes. They are in aid of a project to provide for the essential needs of children in the Casa Hogar Amor de Dios orphanages in Arequipa, Perú. Please made a donation, no matter how small, to https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/rachel-hawkes
00:46:20 Fiona McFadzean: I’ve worked with teachers who tried to separate language and culture entirely, doing all the cultural lessons in English. Didn’t make sense to me!
00:47:27 Laura Danese: Rome is the centre, isn’t it? 😉
00:48:00 Steven Fawkes: Yay PoS!
00:48:15 Nancy Sadi: @Fiona absolutely agree with you
00:48:41 Crista Hazell: Some people feel that teaching culture is a distraction from language learning which I find astounding. Personally don’t see how they can be separated.
00:48:43 Francisca Guzman: Michael Byram has very interesting work on developing Intercultural dimension in MFL
00:50:00 Nancy Sadi: Thank you Francisca
00:51:13 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: And depending on the culture, the deeper layers are very visible: e.g. concept of beauty in Italy. Che bello! etc…
00:52:36 Marie-Odile Guillou : There is ´Culture´ in grammar too.
00:53:04 Steven Fawkes: Concept of ‘bread’ is very culturally rich
00:53:09 Daniele Bourdais: And culture in punctuation, Marie-Odile! 😉
00:53:32 Marie-Odile Guillou : Indeed, Daniele! 😉
00:54:33 Sonja Fedrizzi: I like the idea of making our students more empathetic. 🙂
00:54:48 Crista Hazell: Agreed Sonja.
00:54:49 Marie-Odile Guillou : I did want to point this out, as for a long time, people have thought it would be confusing to teach French punctuation.
00:54:53 Steven Fawkes: proper nouns are full of cultural information
00:55:02 Helen Myers: Yes Sonja
00:55:12 Suzi Bewell: MOG I notice it everywhere now…and where it is wrong!
00:56:01 Elena De Sacco: Yay a German example! Very rare these days 🙂
00:56:03 Marie-Odile Guillou : Me too! I am glad people are now more aware of it. SPaG is so important from Primary level and upwards. 🙂
00:56:14 Daniele Bourdais: Choice of names of kids in resources. Sometimes sooo cringy because completely out of sync with real life and contemporary choices
00:56:34 Elo: totally agree with you Marie-Odile, so please to see German as the first example 🙂
00:57:51 Marie-Odile Guillou : Les petits chevaux !
00:57:58 Helen Myers: What an education we are having on a Saturday afternoon!
00:58:11 Sonja Fedrizzi: Definitely
00:58:32 Suzi Bewell: Love this kind of geeking out @Helen even on a saturday afternoon!
00:58:36 Catherine Dawson: That’s great, the board game names would definitely interest young people
00:59:16 Helen Myers: Yes Suzi!
00:59:53 Fiona McFadzean: Ah yes, Mensch ärgere dich nicht…I only learned that 2 years ago when living in Germany! The games did indeed get very heated!
01:01:15 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: It’s also an Italian name and he wanted to pay homage to Naples where he lived.
01:01:29 Helen Myers: I think we need an online ALL games evening to practise culture!
01:01:45 Elo: totally up for this Helen 😉
01:01:48 Suzi Bewell: Definitely Helen!
01:02:02 Helen Myers: OK!
01:02:25 Catherine Dawson: Count me in!
01:02:44 Marie-Odile Guillou : I love games!
01:03:18 Helen Myers: 🙂
01:03:58 Mandi Kimberly : As an American I find it really helpful to use the differences between UK & US English as a starting point for this discussion. Students love telling me the way I say things is wrong and it facilitates excellent conversation!
01:04:09 Marie-Odile Guillou : Just like un and in in France… Depending on which region you come from.
01:04:12 Francisca Guzman: I think it is very important that we teach some awareness about language variation, it is an essential part or interculturalism
01:04:15 Sonja Fedrizzi: I really like this activity
01:04:44 Helen Myers: Good idea Mandi – and good to see you here again!
01:05:02 Mandi Kimberly : No better way to spend a Saturday afternoon 🙂
01:05:24 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: And scone and scone of course! 😉
01:05:32 Elo: I remember doing my Erasmus in Austria and I was sooooo lost with the differences in my first weeks but so enriching at the end to now know the difference between south/Austria and north of Germany
01:05:41 Elo: great ideas !!! Thanks Rachel
01:05:59 Crista Hazell: Oh yes Sylvie. There are so many of those!
01:06:03 Steven Fawkes: And what about Quebecois French ! ?
01:06:10 Marie-Odile Guillou : Q. When and how do we all take account the latest réforme from the Academie Fr.?
01:06:23 Daniele Bourdais: MYP and IB diplomas do a lot of all this as a matter of fact, much more intercultural emphasis than the UK curriculum
01:06:33 Helen Myers: @Marie – the specs say they accept both
01:06:38 Fiona McFadzean: I spent my first day in Germany in Hauzenberg deep in the Bavarian forest listening to an older gentleman speaking about granit in dialect! I was beyond lost…
01:06:47 Daniele Bourdais: Québécois French is part of the work done for the IB
01:07:05 Daniele Bourdais: As well as French from Africa
01:07:17 Fatou Le Moine: will we receive the recording afterwards. I hope experiencing some connexions issues right now
01:07:24 Marie-Odile Guillou : Even their punctuation is different in Fr Canadian parts…
01:07:24 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Yes, Daniele!
01:07:29 Helen Myers: Yes Fatou
01:07:36 Suzi Bewell: Dani, c’est pour ça que j’aime consulter ces livres – bcp plus de contentu interculturel
01:07:47 Margaret O’Leary: I love teaching “pues…”
01:08:09 Sonja Fedrizzi: I really like that the male voice is Austrian
01:08:11 Helen Myers: This is also live on YouTube now – https://youtu.be/FGiRpfGKWjw Fatou
01:08:17 Elo: haha Marie-Odile = yes French regional differences: really weird when you hear sb learning French and pronouncing « paing » because their friend/teacher is from the south 🙂 beauty of the regional differences 🙂
01:08:20 Marie-Odile Guillou : I agree, with you Dani & Suzi
01:08:31 Daniele Bourdais: Thanks Suzy! I’ve always thought it was a must, ever since I started writing magazines for Mary Glasgow!
01:09:23 Fiona McFadzean: Even at uni, we were never exposed to anything other than Standard German from Germany and Parisian French! Somewhat ironic in Scotland…!
01:09:35 Sonja Fedrizzi: true
01:09:46 Daniele Bourdais: I think one of the problems with the obsession here about idioms is that they don’t match the register and style of speakers of the learners’ age – and therefore sound so odd!
01:09:56 Marie-Odile Guillou : Q. When do we start using no circonflexe accents on i and u in French? (latest, or actually not so recent AF rules)?
01:10:20 Elo: well I study German in France and it’s only because we had a teacher from Austria that we learn some culture points and other
01:10:31 Helen McFarlane: My students were fascinated to listen to a recording of Quebecois discussing restorative justice and mediation. They could really pinpoint the different pronunciation of vowels.
01:10:58 Catherine Dawson: Probably never, I remmeber the circumflex being “withdrawn” when I was at school in around 1990!
01:11:29 Daniele Bourdais: I post quite a lot of (accessible) stuff on my facebook pages from Canada and Africa
01:11:53 Elaines iphone: This profiler is fab
01:11:58 Daniele Bourdais: https://www.facebook.com/languagematters2us
01:12:06 Sonja Fedrizzi: Thank you
01:12:08 Helen Myers: @Maarie-Odile – good questions. Not sure if publishers of MFL text books in this country are now using reformed spelling (as is the case in France)
01:12:19 Suzi Bewell: Dani I used the solidarité laïque text on Haïti last week with y11 and it worked brilliantly well.
01:12:44 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Universal, cultural, individual: what a brilliant brilliant activity, thank you Rachel!
01:13:20 Daniele Bourdais: Ah great Suzi. It’s lovely material, isn’t it.
01:13:21 Marie-Odile Guillou : @Helen, I am aware of these omissions in current study books (How are we meant to teach our learners if theer are mistakes in the books?)
01:13:23 Jill Snook: Like this activity- so good
01:13:41 Jill Snook: I am already comsidering how i can use for German
01:14:12 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I really like this activity! It could bring up some interesting conversations depending on the group 🙂
01:14:23 Suzi Bewell: It really is – there is a similar one about a boy from Congo too. So many great links on that website so thanks for sharing x
01:14:39 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: To add: thinking cows are beautiful.
01:14:56 Marie-Odile Guillou : Yes, I agree. Brilliant work, Rachel.
01:14:56 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Also wolf concepts
01:15:12 Daniele Bourdais: You’re welcome! They have given me the permission to write support resources using them, so will get going!
01:15:40 Nancy Sadi: Thank you Daniele
01:17:12 Suzi Bewell: In my ACAPULCO session, I said that I think Culture is the 4th pillar that ties all the other pillars (vicar, grammar, phonics) together
01:17:26 Suzi Bewell: *vocab
01:17:27 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: I really miss the time when the BBC used to produce videos when you could see what was on a dinner table in a random house in France. We lose so much from not having these readily available.
01:17:46 Suzi Bewell: Sylvie many are still available
01:17:59 Marie-Odile Guillou : So true, Rachel! 🙂
01:18:09 Steven Fawkes: Some of those BBC clips are on YouTube but, yes, it is a loss
01:18:15 Daniele Bourdais: Ys, Sylvie, but clips are still available – they have just got a but old but some are still very usable
01:18:28 Catherine Dawson: What do I search on Youtube to find them Steven? Thank you 🙂
01:18:41 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Some are, some have aged a little too much! e.g. telephones.
01:18:42 Helen Myers: @Marie-Odile – I have not looked at most recent books – It was compulsory for school text books Sep 2016 in France I think
01:18:43 Suzi Bewell: I can post links here…give me a tic
01:18:54 Steven Fawkes: Which language Catherine?
01:18:59 Daniele Bourdais: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcvEcrsF_9zKSxGVOxJhBNp9eMQ4-V2eh
01:19:02 Laurence Gillham: We had a long conversation in class about gender and pronouns Rachel. Iel(s) or Elle(s) in French and Spanish.
01:19:09 Suzi Bewell: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b008yt1z/clips
01:19:38 Suzi Bewell: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0077wh2/clips
01:19:55 Suzi Bewell: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b007nh4w/clips
01:21:02 Catherine Dawson: Thank you for the above! French or Spanish for me. These look great
01:21:29 Suzi Bewell: Just google search the series name e.g. jeunes francophones and bbd clips
01:21:36 Suzi Bewell: *bbc
01:22:04 Daniele Bourdais: Also videos available for French here : https://www.flevideo.com/index.php
01:22:19 Nancy Sadi: Innerfrench podcasts are really good for cultural input alongside with language
01:22:50 Suzi Bewell: Another new one – Merci Dani !
01:23:00 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Thank you. They are of some use but they have aged.
01:24:01 Daniele Bourdais: Good to use for the imperfect, Sylvie! How things were/looked 20 years ago!
01:24:10 Catherine Dawson: Merci bcp, I’ll share with my fellow trainees!
01:24:34 Catherine Dawson: Great idea! Make a virtue out of the outdatedness!
01:24:42 Daniele Bourdais: Working on collocations is essential I think
01:25:00 Francisca Guzman: @Daniele I agree
01:25:07 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Haha, Danielle…. voici un téléphone tel qu’il était quand vos parents étaient petits!
01:25:15 Helen Myers: This session is challenging my own cultural competence – I’m never sure about formal / informal on social media .. how do you address French/German ‘friends’ in you Facebook / Twitter groups if you have only got to know them on line?
01:25:48 Fiona McFadzean: So good to see so much about formal vs informal! I worked with a group of Advanced Higher French pupils once. One was a native speaker of French but even he didn’t seem aware of the colloquial language he was using and how it wasn’t what he should be aiming at for his speaking exam. It was really interesting and something I hadn’t considered before.
01:26:18 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: You just act like most people on Twitter: you insult them …. or not!
01:26:43 Suzi Bewell: @helen can you post the link again please
01:26:47 Fiona McFadzean: Re: internet encounters…unless they’re much older than you or your superiors, I’d go with informal pronouns. That’s my experience, anyway.
01:26:47 Helen Myers: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/rachel-hawkes
01:26:54 Suzi Bewell: 🙂
01:26:57 Jennifer Eddy: thank you Suzi, for posting those links 🌞
01:26:58 Marie-Odile Guillou : Thank you.
01:27:15 Fiona McFadzean: Thank you very much!
01:30:13 Jill Snook: We use Connect too and has really supported us during lockdown 🙂
01:30:29 Daniele Bourdais: All of this is done very well in the IB programme through conceptual understanding, where pupils are made extra aware of register, style, tone, etc
01:31:55 Francisca Guzman: Fantastic accent David!
01:31:57 Catherine Dawson: Lots of us here from the North 🙂
01:32:00 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Be proud of your accent, David!
01:32:04 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I love your accent… it reminds me of my first adventure in the UK: in Leeds!
01:32:15 Marie-Odile Guillou : We lost sound…
01:32:37 Elaines iphone: Nowt wrong wi Leeds am there nar
01:33:43 Marie-Odile Guillou : no
01:34:08 Fiona McFadzean: I love hearing different accents.
01:34:38 Helen McFarlane: @Helen 🙂
01:35:57 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: “Just” a State school??? Hooray for state schools!
01:36:09 Jill Snook: In Wales we still have assessments for GCSE and A Level this year , marked externally ,so need some way of currently ensuring students can still continue practising for these assessments. Especially as we have had Year 11 in and out so they have missed 3 weeks this term already. Connect has helped us really support students with their general conversation .
01:36:26 Jill Snook: I`ll forgive you blanking out Wales 🙂
01:37:26 Helen Myers: @Sylvie The contrast David was drawing was between financial situation of private / state budget
01:37:41 Sophie Mills: This sounds great! We used a Sanako language lab when I was teaching in Paris but this addition would be fantastic!
01:39:12 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Thanks Helen…. sensitive topic this year especially as State School teachers have been slammed so much by the Government
01:39:19 Marie-Odile Guillou : Thank very much.
01:39:29 Helen Myers: Thanks Davi d- always so supportive of teachers!
01:39:31 Michael Porter: Thank you!
01:39:41 Francisca Guzman: Kíítos David
01:39:45 Marie-Odile Guillou : Thank you*
01:39:49 Mayte Romero Soriano: Thanks David! Very interesting
01:39:53 Suzi Bewell: I am near Leeds in Harrogate David!
01:40:00 iPad: Thank You
01:40:00 Jill Snook: Agreed Helen – Sanako are always supportive 🙂
01:40:21 Marie-Odile Guillou : I think accents make languages! 😉
01:41:17 Steven Fawkes: vague and a bit C20
01:41:44 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: “legitimate culture”??!!¡¡
01:45:01 Paolo: Yes Sylvie that seems a rather awkward translation…. perhaps legitimised would be better
01:45:26 Paolo: If there is such a word in English …
01:45:31 Marie-Odile Guillou : YAY!!!
01:49:02 Steven Fawkes: ‘Rich tapestry of details about life’ – I like this as a description of content for our schemes
01:49:45 Marie-Odile Guillou : I agree. Best way to convey cultural capital too!
01:50:59 Marie-Odile Guillou : 🙁
01:51:16 David Binns: for the DM’s for Leeds Schools. My e mail address is david.binns@sanako.com
01:51:24 Marie-Odile Guillou : SO true!!!
01:51:29 Suzi Bewell: Thanks @David
01:51:34 Fiona McFadzean: When I first moved to Spain – only knew a few words of Spanish – I had colleagues sending me texts in Spanish text language. Nightmare!
01:52:14 Mary Gameson: Yes, we have learned to analyse the mechanics of language and can break it down and then build it up in a very controlled way
01:52:22 Daniele Bourdais: It’s great to see how things have evolved since I first starting writing materials in the early 80ies when we were told NOT to use mother tongue, to avoid comparing with English language and culture, when translation was poopooed, when anything cultural was considered extra and got usually left out, when it was a struggle to convince publishers to introduce phonics in materials, etc etc Things have moved on , yeah!
01:52:32 Margaret O’Leary: Rachel, it has been such a refreshing afternoon. I have spent it saying “Yes!” so many times!
01:53:08 Marie-Odile Guillou : Sept couleurs et quatre émotions by MOG
01:53:21 Steven Fawkes: and that communication is for me a major element of cultural capital
01:53:22 Helen McFarlane: Hear, hear, Rachel! The way I learned about English was through German and French. So true.
01:53:26 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: There are great Cahoots on Untranslatables!
01:53:37 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Sorry Kahoots
01:54:03 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Yes, we’re hearing you twice but we want to!
01:54:17 Fiona McFadzean: I could never have taught English abroad well without having learned other languages first.
01:54:39 Helen Myers: Agreed, Danièle
01:55:07 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Idiomatic expressions crack me up in every language. It is my favourite thing ever!
01:55:14 Marie-Odile Guillou : Feel free to use my latest authentic French poems (available on my YouTube channel)
01:55:15 Fiona McFadzean: Hey, Scottish people are very into legs too…
01:55:15 Suzi Bewell: Things are moving in the right direction…finally
01:55:16 Jennifer Eddy: wonderful comparison with idioms! it’s so fascinating for our learners. Thank you for showing this!
01:55:47 Crista Hazell: Marie-Odile, Please could you share the link of your YouTube channel?
01:56:46 Suzi Bewell: This sounds really interesting
01:56:47 Fiona McFadzean: If you’re interested in translation (and idioms), I recommend The Language Show talk on Creative Translation, if you haven’t heard of it! I think it’s still available.
01:56:58 Beth: Sorry – where’s the link?
01:57:02 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks Fiona! Noted!
01:57:07 Marie-Odile Guillou : YouTube.com/c/MarieOdileGuillou
01:57:12 Helen Myers: LInk will be avaialble on Monday
01:57:19 Helen Myers: we will send via Eventbrite message
01:57:26 Suzi Bewell: Thanks Helen 🙂
01:57:38 Beth: Thank you!
01:57:47 Marie-Odile Guillou : Link to my YouTube channel shared above @Crista
01:57:51 Fiona McFadzean: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/rec/WN_r4tcu0hlTXKw2DPObOZ_SQ?meetingId=gmMkQHBc2JeXcqmdJOmK2pFTvzmuIg0pFR9EZ_qzyC2b3u-onjTQoKr3S-Eb-X-c.2z-qRCi5PhfcPvpS&playId=&action=play&_x_zm_rtaid=Z4niHwGPSoKKboznl2lCdg.1607187378774.e2c670e6fdde080efa9a70d5234f7248&_x_zm_rhtaid=138
01:58:02 Fiona McFadzean: The Creative Translation talk ^
01:58:26 Dani Winter: Thanks Rachel. Apologies for leaving early. Thanks Helen.
01:59:01 Simone Conboy: Wow! A lot of food for thought! Thank you! Thank you!!
01:59:01 Crista Hazell: Lots of fab ideas Rachel – thank you for this afternoon. Absolutely loved it. Fab to hear David from Sanako too. I’ve absolutely loved this afternoon. I’m now going to decorate my Christmas tree (early I know) with lots of decorations from global travels. :0) Stay safe and well everyone – see you for Part2 next Saturday!!!
01:59:10 Chris Hanbury: Thank you!
01:59:23 Marie-Odile Guillou : Thank you so much for a wonderful Webinar! Merci !
01:59:36 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: No need to feel awkward! Well done Rachel. ¡Enhorabuena!
01:59:37 Jill Snook: Thank you so much – I feel inspired and feel energised 🙂
01:59:38 Margaret O’Leary: Don’t feel bad!
01:59:38 Fiona McFadzean: I would happily donate if JustGiving worked for me – it doesn’t sadly.
01:59:40 Nancy Sadi: Thank you so much Rachel.
01:59:41 Laura Danese: I am glad I am touch with 4 languages and cultures
01:59:41 cgrant: Many thanks to all. Looking forward to the next one! Lovely to speak to you, Helen and Rachel and thanks for al that you do x
01:59:43 Mayte Romero Soriano: Already donated! Wishing the best for the Arequipan Children.
01:59:48 Fiona McFadzean: Thank you so much!
02:00:01 k: Thank you very much!
02:00:05 Negin Sedghi-Shabestari: many thanks
02:00:09 Helen Myers: Rachels’ webinar next week: http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/event/2345/
02:00:15 Francisca Guzman: Thank you Rachel. a very interesting and useful session.
02:00:17 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks very much, Rachel! You always share brilliant ideas and your project with Perú sounds really inspirational. Muchísimas gracias!
02:00:18 Suzi Bewell: Thank you Rachel, David and Helen/Steven behind the scenes x
02:00:21 Helen Myers: Charity https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/rachel-hawkes
02:00:22 Sarah Cullern: Thank you so much
02:00:29 Mary Gameson: This is an amazing project Rachel – so glad to have the opportunity to contribute. Thank you for a very stimulating session
02:00:33 calverc: Thank SO much! Wonderful!
02:00:36 Rachel: Thank you- Great!
02:00:43 Clare Wright: Thank you so much, Rachel. It is always inspiring listening to you. All the best.
02:00:43 Carmen: Thank you Rachel, amazing as always
02:00:45 james: thank you
02:00:45 Maria: Thank you Rachel
02:00:45 Jennifer Eddy: Thank you all. Take care 🌞
02:00:46 Katherine Collings: Thank you so much, Rachel. Really inspiring.
02:00:47 Mar Villar: Thank you very much for such a wonderful ideas. It has been a great opportunity to reflect about our curriculum.
02:00:48 Andrea Rudd: Thank you Rachel, this has all been so refreshing ! 🙂
02:00:50 Daniele Bourdais: Merci beaucoup!
02:00:50 Eleanor Murphy: Many thanks, Rachel. Look forward to next Saturday’s session.
02:00:50 Sarah Moran: Thank you so much
02:00:51 Paolo: Marvellous. Thank you so much. Looking forward to next week
02:00:51 Rosa: Very nice, thanks a lot!
02:00:54 una2f: Another inspirational talk- thank you!!
02:01:00 Liz Fotheringham: A fab session – thank you Rachel
02:01:02 Elena De Sacco: Thank you – so inspiring!
02:01:18 Vanessa Perrott: Thank you so much. A really interesting webinar and lots of practical ideas.
02:01:19 inesgitzoller: Thank you very much, truly inspiring !
02:01:23 David Binns: Kiitos Paljon
02:01:24 Simone Conboy: Thank you for hosting a fabulous webinar!
02:01:28 ruth: Thank you very much, so many amazing ideas and very thought provoking.
02:01:30 Laura Danese: I found your talk somewhat touching …
02:01:33 Helen McFarlane: Wow! Amazing, Rachel! So inspiring and I love the richness of culture in every aspect of language teaching
02:01:35 Isabelle: Thank you very much,Inspiring every time!
02:01:41 Beth: Thank you Rachel – a fantastic teacher and equally importantly a very kind soul x
02:01:45 Shiraz Oshidar: Thanks a ton (!), very useful!
02:01:46 Jayne: Fab presentation, thank you so much! Looking forward to the next one too!
02:01:48 Alicia Mejia: Very informative and interesting. Thank you for sharing this with us.
02:02:04 Carole Zander: Merci beaucoup! I totally agree that culture is part of language teaching and it is so nice to hear more about it!
02:02:08 Mayte Romero Soriano: Q-Is there any Lesson to work on Spanish Christmas on NCELP, please?
02:02:09 Lauren Sharpe: Giftaid
02:02:12 Lynne: Thank you so interesting
02:02:15 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Gift Aid
02:02:37 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Thanks to both Rachel and Helen!
02:02:54 Helen McFarlane: Hahahaha!
02:03:10 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Lauren, I wasn’t correcting you, I’m just a slow typer! You are probably right anyway.
02:04:28 Crista Hazell: Christmas songs idea is ace…!
02:04:44 Mayte Romero Soriano: im in for any pics and micx
02:04:57 Simone Conboy: Steven will be good at writing a multi-lingual Christmas song, I’m sure!
02:05:06 katia jullien: Thank you very much! Super informative! So many ideas to implement…
02:05:15 Mayte Romero Soriano: galleta Mariaaa!!1q ricaaa
02:05:31 Crista Hazell: I agree Simone – I am sure Steve will be inspired to write a song for next Saturday … fingers crossed!
02:05:37 Mayte Romero Soriano: yess, I agree Rachelll
02:05:37 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Not the same, sorry! 😛
02:05:39 Laura Danese: Songs!
02:05:42 Simone Conboy: We had a multi-lingual song for the Language Magician. Perhaps we can do something similar?
02:06:14 Jennifer Eddy: Christmas songs! 🎵
02:06:48 Crista Hazell: A multi-lingual song about biscuits even :0)
02:07:05 Sylvie Geal-Wilkes: Live Kahoot?
02:07:07 Helen Myers: Christmas Party http://www.all-london.org.uk/site/index.php/event/all-londons-christmas-party-2020/
02:07:08 Marie-Odile Guillou : Yes, Cristal!!!
02:07:13 David Binns: karaoke in a target language
02:07:19 Helen Myers: Speaking webinar: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/all-gcse-speaking-endorsement-sharing-webinars-registration-131467018391
02:07:20 Crista Hazell: Stay safe and well everyone, lovely to ‘see’ you.
02:07:34 Crista Hazell: Marie-Odile :0)
02:08:09 Marie-Odile Guillou : I had my camera off at the last webinar I saw you… 🙂
02:08:33 Rachel Hawkes: Link to next Saturday, in case needed: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/making-practice-meaningful-registration-128982290503
02:09:24 Laura Danese: Multilingual song would be fun!
02:10:01 Marie-Odile Guillou : Spelling?
02:10:20 Marie-Odile Guillou : Circumflexe accents, you mean.
02:10:33 Marie-Odile Guillou : indeed
02:10:44 Marie-Odile Guillou : Thx Dani.
02:11:16 Marie-Odile Guillou : I am glad that people are accepting Fr punctuation now though 🙂
02:11:17 Karine Chevalier-Watts: Thank you very much for this webinar and for posting the link to the one next week. I have just registered. It’s been really lovely meeting you all today.
02:11:43 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: Me too, Rachel! I hate it!
02:11:58 Helen McFarlane: Interesting article on the BBC about recent changes to the German phonetic alphabet
02:13:11 Marie-Odile Guillou : That is true Dani.
02:13:27 Laura Danese: Not in FRance then?
02:13:27 Marie-Odile Guillou : Even the punctuation differs!
02:14:07 Marie-Odile Guillou : Patience is a great virtue!
02:14:42 Laura Danese: La fete de Noel La Noel?
02:14:53 Marie-Odile Guillou : Quite a few words like this. Le Noël 🙂
02:16:12 Helen McFarlane: Merci Rachel, Helen, David and everyone! It’s been great! See you next week.
02:16:19 Steven Fawkes: Thursday 10th Speaking webinar: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/all-gcse-speaking-endorsement-sharing-webinars-registration-131467018391
02:16:25 Helen Myers: Speaking webinar: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/all-gcse-speaking-endorsement-sharing-webinars-registration-131467018391
02:16:52 Margaret O’Leary: May I confess that I am not currently a member of ALL..Am I still able to come to the Zoom party?!
02:17:35 Joe Dale: Sounds like a strapline!
02:18:32 Marie-Odile Guillou : Bonne soirée à toutes et à tous ! Merci encore et à bientôt !
02:19:00 Uxía Iglesias Fuertes: I need to leave you now, but I have really enjoyed this webinar. Thanks to you all and see you next week! 🙂
02:19:33 Joe Dale: I need to go as I’m on bath time duty for the munchkin. Thank you everyone and take care.
02:20:58 Margaret O’Leary: Sorry. I need to go but it has been a really wonderful way to spend my Saturday afternoon. I look forward to seeing many of you again next week. Very many thanks to Rachel, and to Helen and Steven for the welcome. 🙂
02:21:21 Andrea Rudd: Bye everyone , lovely to meet you all and thank you so much ! Andrea 🙂
02:21:42 Laura Danese: I am going too. See you soon. BIG THANK YOU!
02:22:01 Katherine Collings: Thanks again. Bye
02:22:03 auroracarreteroramos: Thanks a lot! it was my first time here but i loved it. I will join next week again!
02:22:29 cgrant: Thanks, and bye!! x
02:22:39 Carmen: Thank you everyone.
02:22:49 Kathryn Williams: Thank you – my first time, too!
02:22:54 Mary Gameson: Adiós – thank you!!
02:23:10 Teresa García: first time for me too! I have enjoyed. Many thanks!