TiLT Webinar with l’Institut français

Online support for schools and teachers of French in the UK

7th May 2020

[YouTube video hosted on Helen’s channel until ALL London’s channel gets over 100 subscribers!]

Link to iF presentation and links from the session

Chat: Institut français webinar chat 20_05may07

Class photos:

We are delighted that our good friends at l’Institut français  offered to present during one of out ‘TiLT Thursday’ slots.

Join us for a special webinar about online opportunities for schools and teachers of French in the UK with the Institut français du Royaume-Uni.


  • Benoît Le Dévédec, Language Attaché, Institut français
  • Marion Loire, Head of Library, Institut français
  • Manuel Benchetrit, Head of Language Centre, Institut français



01:04:11 Ceri Griffiths: I am a member
01:04:17 armonybonney: I am a member !!
01:04:21 Karine Cook: I am
01:04:24 Kate R: me too
01:04:26 apple: yes
01:04:28 Karine Cook: please join
01:04:28 Steph Ellis-Williams: I am a member
01:04:29 sally baker: moi aussi
01:04:32 Helen McFarlane: Me, too! It’s brilliant!
01:04:32 Antigone Margariti: Member too!
01:04:34 Valérie Smith: I am a member too
01:04:36 Florence Barats: We used to as a dpt
01:04:37 HELEN Stokes: moi aussi
01:04:38 Charlotte Rayner: Et moi!
01:04:39 Negin Shabestari: I am too
01:07:05 armonybonney: Would it be possible together the details about the French debate competition which takes place every year? (I think l’institut Francis hosted the finals this year) but I couldn’t t find the details to get my kids ready for next year?
01:08:33 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: iF profs is excellent!
01:08:46 christinamemou: Je me suis inscrite!
01:08:56 Negin Shabestari: agree with that
01:09:01 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: it’s like a Facebook type platform with so many great resources. free too!
01:09:06 ALL London: Wow – a massive platform!
01:09:11 Charlotte: I take 60 Year 6s to watch a film at the Cine Lumiere every year and it is the highlight of their year!
01:09:19 christinamemou: des ressources super intéressantes!!!
01:09:21 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: and francophones from all over the world
01:10:00 ALL London: https://www.ifprofs.org/
01:10:50 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: it’s quick and easy
01:12:48 Karine Cook: so generous
01:13:25 ALL London: who has joined already?
01:13:37 Rachel Vause: me 🙂
01:13:47 ALL London: Bravo, Rachel!
01:13:50 HELEN Stokes: moi
01:13:57 Ramesh Patel: moi aussi
01:14:06 Rachel Vause: Told all of my department too lol 🙂
01:14:22 ALL London: L)
01:14:24 Florence Barats: Q Is it only for teachers? Can students join?
01:14:26 ALL London: 🙂
01:14:33 Karine Cook: teachers only
01:14:40 Laurence Gillham: merci, c’est fait!
01:14:54 ALL London: excellent, Laurence!
01:15:25 Negin Shabestari: Culturtheque is excellant
01:15:29 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: the lovely CC x
01:15:33 ALL London: Catherine Cheater is an ALL Fellow
01:15:42 ALL London: en effet, Suzi!
01:16:44 Laurence Gillham: This is fantastic!
01:17:19 Laurence Gillham: Our feeder primary school was asking for something like this! Thank you so much!
01:17:58 Sophie’s iPhone: je ne vois pas culturetheque sur le site?
01:18:19 Karine Cook: super
01:18:40 Philip Campagna: Primary French Project: a collaboration between IFRU, ALL and Network for Languages SW
01:19:19 ALL London: Catherine’s primary FB page https://www.facebook.com/groups/primarylanguages/
01:19:32 ALL London: Ciao, Philip!
01:19:34 Sophie’s iPhone: sur le site de IF profs?
01:20:11 Sophie’s iPhone: where is what he’s showing right now?
01:20:23 ALL London: I will put the link to the presentation on the ALL webinar page
01:20:47 Karine Cook: merci
01:21:06 christinamemou: Merci bien
01:21:43 Sophie’s iPhone: 👍
01:23:24 ALL London: Suzi – you have done this, haven’t you?
01:23:31 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: such an exciting competition!
01:23:44 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: we came regional runner up last year
01:23:57 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: entering both of my schools this year!
01:23:58 HELEN Stokes: We have entered the competition.
01:24:07 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: woohoo hi Helen
01:24:29 HELEN Stokes: hi Suzi
01:25:30 MFL – Diane Wilkinson: Bonjour Christine!
01:25:46 apple: oui
01:25:46 christinamemou: Bonjour Diane 🙂
01:25:48 Claudia Costa: good
01:25:49 Beata: It’s really great
01:25:51 Christine’s iPad: good!
01:25:57 MFL – Diane Wilkinson: great
01:26:01 HELEN Stokes: fantastic
01:26:11 Claudia Costa: Already signed in for if profs , thank you
01:26:12 Keisha: all good, lovely and loads of info
01:26:13 Laurence Gillham: it’s amazing, I did not realise the breath of resources available!
01:26:33 Kirsteen: Is the pop competition for secondary, primary or both?
01:26:45 Philip Campagna: Both
01:26:56 Kirsteen: Parfait – merci!
01:27:10 Philip Campagna: Primary, KS3, KS4, KS5
01:27:23 ALL London: Someone said these webinars were like being in a sweet shop .. delicious things here for French teachers!
01:28:03 Valérie Smith: Indeed!
01:28:38 Elo: arriving a bit late, what were the key websites from the 30 first minutes please 🙂
01:29:04 ALL London: Elo – you will eb able to see on replay tomorrow and will get a link to the slides
01:29:10 Les Petits Bilingues de Newham: Tv5 monde +culturetheque are v great tools indeed!
01:29:44 ALL London: .. and welcome, Elo!
01:30:04 Elo: oh lovely thanks for the possibility to replay it tomorrow
01:30:14 Kirsteen: The slides will be available? There is so much!
01:30:58 ALL London: Yes Kirsteen -links tomorrow
01:31:01 María Victoria Castanedo: yes, please
01:31:10 María Victoria Castanedo: thanks a lot 🙂
01:33:08 Karine Cook: excellent Benoit
01:33:28 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: so many great free resources and links! 😊🌈
01:34:05 ALL London: This is such a slick presentation from Benoit … google doc presentation, and all the tabs open and ready to go to demo …. he really has gone to a lot of trouble to put this together
01:34:12 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: these are well worth looking at for #culturalcapital
01:34:30 Kate R: Thank you so much, that was great
01:34:33 Karine Cook: Merci Bemoi
01:34:35 Claudia Costa: Merci beaucoup Benoit 🙂
01:34:36 Karine Cook: Benoit
01:34:45 María Victoria Castanedo: merci bien!!
01:34:45 Ramesh Patel: Merci beaucoup !
01:34:45 Veronique Parrott: thank you
01:34:48 MFL – Diane Wilkinson: Fabulous – thank you
01:34:55 apple: 🙂
01:34:56 Anne: merci beaucoup
01:34:59 Les Petits Bilingues de Newham: merci Benoît!😀👏👏
01:35:00 Florence Barats: Merci Benoit
01:35:02 Sophie’s iPhone: super!
01:35:05 Lavinia Dos Remedios: Mille Mercis
01:35:08 christinamemou: Merci bien Benoît!
01:35:08 Christine’s iPad: That was soo good! Thank you!
01:35:08 jhiggins: Formidable, merci Benoit
01:35:08 Valérie Smith: Merci beaucoup!
01:35:09 Tania: Merci beaucoup Benoit!
01:35:12 Rachel Vause: merci beaucoup Benoit
01:35:20 Mart Wilmin: great Benoit
01:35:20 Kirsteen: It’s great to have that guide through – it can be overwhelming – but guided like this is so helpful. Merci bcp!!
01:35:25 Kate R: Hello Marion
01:35:33 HELEN Stokes: merci Benoit
01:36:51 Negin Shabestari: Thanks, I don’t know why it changes
01:37:35 ALL London: 200,000!
01:40:52 Kate R: what a fantastic resource!
01:41:37 Negin Shabestari: Oh, Rachid Taha
01:42:19 Yasmine: 🙂
01:42:22 Manuel IF Londres, Centre de langue: Yes!
01:42:45 Negin Shabestari: the books are great, they can listen to text to be read to them
01:43:13 ALL London: We need a French soirée for sharing French music we like I think … I need to be refreshed!
01:43:27 Kate R: me too!
01:43:45 Karine Cook: Bonne idée Helen
01:43:48 HELEN Stokes: What a fantastic idea!
01:43:54 ALL London: OK.. we’ll do it!!
01:44:14 Negin Shabestari: Great idea Helen.
01:44:16 HELEN Stokes: Great, I’m looking forward to it.
01:45:50 Laurence Gillham: Can you download the album without texts?
01:46:01 Karine Cook: Great for our bilingual pupils
01:46:38 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: I’m in!
01:47:11 suzibewell@yahoo.co.uk: yes I’ll clean my face mask off first! lol
01:47:49 ALL London: Suzi and I can explain Suzi’s comment at the end!!!!
01:50:20 ALL London: I LOVE those cartes!
01:50:56 Elo: super, merci pour tous ces précieux conseils !
01:51:11 Benoît Le Dévédec: Discount Institut francais membership for teachers : £35/year
01:52:26 Yasmine: merci Benoit
01:53:07 Ceri Griffiths: Merci
01:53:15 Negin Shabestari: If you are a member you can borrow films and books.
01:53:24 christinamemou: Merci, c’est super!
01:53:54 Sophie’s iPhone: excellent!
01:53:58 Steph Ellis-Williams: Really useful for year 13 IRP
01:54:00 Antigone Margariti: Excellente présentation et ressources! Désolée j’ai besoin de partir. Merci beaucoup!
01:54:11 Karine Cook: Great for A level
01:54:15 Caroline Okerika: Many thanks!
01:54:23 Sophie’s iPhone: oui pour le IRP!
01:54:27 ALL London: merci d’être venue Antigone!
01:55:49 ALL London: What a great idea!
01:56:31 Negin Shabestari: wow, that is great
01:56:40 ALL London: Joe … I bet you’ll be investigating this if you haven;t already …!
01:57:01 HELEN Stokes: I certainly will.
01:57:03 Rachel Vause: merci Marion
01:57:11 Karine Cook: merci Marion
01:57:12 Paula Hevia: Thank you!
01:57:15 Laurence Gillham: Merci Marion!
01:57:18 Ramesh Patel: Merci !
01:57:21 christinamemou: Merci Marion 🙂
01:57:25 Joe Dale: Of course
01:57:26 HELEN Stokes: merci
01:57:26 Florence Barats: Merci Marion.
01:57:26 Negin Shabestari: Thanks Marion
01:57:28 Veronique Parrott: Thank you so much
01:57:28 Helen: Really interesting and useful ideas
01:57:30 Helen McFarlane: Merci mille fois!
01:57:35 Les Petits Bilingues de Newham: merci Marion
01:57:40 Lavinia Dos Remedios: wow, tellement d’options. Merci Marion
01:58:02 Sophie’s iPhone: Oh atelier BD! Génial. merci
01:58:05 Florence Barats: Q Will the links be “live” on the pdf?
01:58:49 Florence Barats: Merci!
01:59:07 Karine Cook: Chapeau!
01:59:11 Webbs: merci
01:59:13 Ellie Fitzgerald: This has been amazing! I’m sorry, but I have to leave now. I’m looking forward to catching up with the rest tomorrow. Thank you all so much.
01:59:34 Veronique Parrott: hello to you
01:59:40 Negin Shabestari: Hello Manuel
01:59:49 Sophie’s iPhone: De la famille de Samuel Benchetrit ?
01:59:54 christinamemou: Bonsoir Manuel!
02:00:42 Karine Cook: Axelle
02:01:08 Steph Ellis-Williams: Are these courses free?
02:01:15 Helen McFarlane: Are there any DALF past papers to test yourself?
02:01:23 user: Bonsoir, Manuel! Really need to reinforce my French, please…
02:01:54 Negin Shabestari: i doubt it will be free!
02:02:34 Karine Cook: most popular perhaps
02:02:45 Negin Shabestari: In my opinion, it should be sbubsidised for french teachers.
02:03:37 Karine Cook: HIP HIP HIP
02:04:02 Yasmine: parfait
02:04:11 Helen McFarlane: Are there discounts for students, too>
02:04:25 Negin Shabestari: So altogether %40 off!😊
02:05:46 Laurence Gillham: are those courses to prepare them for GCSE or for an exam generated by the institut francais?
02:06:08 Benoît Le Dévédec: For GCSE and A Level
02:06:40 Laurence Gillham: merci!
02:06:44 Joe Dale: Here are some other questions we’ve had Benoit Q. Would it be possible together the details about the French debate competition which takes place every year? (I think l’institut Francis hosted the finals this year) but I couldn’t t find the details to get my kids ready for next year? Can you download the album without texts? If you are a member you can borrow films and books. Are there any DALF past papers to test yourself?
02:07:29 Laurence Gillham: How much does it cost?
02:07:33 Benoît Le Dévédec: 👉Intensive
& twice https://bit.ly/39jDHNe
& grammar https://bit.ly/2ylHvkv
& society https://bit.ly/3dIPKXV
learners https://bit.ly/3dNqYWL
02:07:35 Deborah Perdu: when do we find out about the postponed DELF exam ?
02:07:47 Karine Cook: merci Manuel
02:07:57 Lavinia Dos Remedios: merci Manual
02:07:57 Kate R: merci
02:08:11 Les Petits Bilingues de Newham: merci
02:08:23 Steph Ellis-Williams: Merci énormément pour toutes ces belles presentations. Toutes ces infos sont bien utiles!
02:09:05 Philip Campagna: CPD French Teachers’ Day at the IFRU in October Lots of speakers/workshops
02:09:16 armonybonney: Merci!
02:09:31 Ramesh Patel: Merci !
02:09:32 Florence Barats: Beaucoup d’idées. d’infos, c’est rafraichissant dans ce climat!
02:09:57 Florence Barats: et je ne parle pas de la météo britannique!
02:10:41 Negin Shabestari: Merci Emanuel.
02:11:00 Rachel Vause: merci
02:11:31 Valérie Smith: merci à tous, très enrichissant
02:11:32 Veronique Parrott: merci j’ai hate d’explorer
02:11:39 Kate R: Thank you to everyone!
02:11:53 Georgina Anson: Some great ideas and resources! Merci beaucoup!
02:11:53 Helen McFarlane: Merci mille fois à tous!
02:11:55 Sophie’s iPhone: Merci beaucoup!
02:11:58 Laurence Gillham: Merci mille fois!
02:12:00 Mel: Thank you!
02:12:03 Helen McFarlane: et à toutes!
02:12:05 Karine Cook: Bravoooooooooo
02:12:06 CDAVISON: yes so many interesting resources. Vive la France. merci
02:12:12 Ali Koubaa: Merci beaucoup, j’adore. Beaucoup de ressources à mobiliser pour préparer les leçons. En tant que NQT, ça me sera d’une très grande aide. Merci encore !
02:12:16 Manuel BENCHETRIT @iffrenchcourses: when do we find out about the postponed DELF exam ? Very soon
02:12:19 Anne: merci de votre gentillesse
02:12:20 Florence Barats: Merci beaucoup à tous et à toutes!
02:12:24 Deborah Perdu: merci beaucoup
02:12:28 Manuel BENCHETRIT @iffrenchcourses: NExt week hopefully after n10 annoucement
02:12:43 Negin Shabestari: Thanks Benoit
02:13:28 HELEN Stokes: Merci a tous!
02:13:39 Sophie’s iPhone: Merci Suzi pour la presentation de la maison de Monet!
02:13:40 Les Petits Bilingues de Newham: Merci à tous pour cette initiative!
02:13:45 Laura Massa: Merci beaucoup à tous! C’était super!
02:13:47 Asmah Akhtar: Thank you all – lots to look into. Can’t wait to get started!
02:14:11 Suzi Bewell: Sophie de rien x
02:14:28 Sophie’s iPhone: Mes élèves sont toujours motivées pour la compétition Pop Vidéo
02:15:13 Suzi Bewell: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10eAfvxWtfQLO1598nbSqKIaTS5DMi5lC0UNjoTgviFQ/edit?usp=sharing
02:15:49 Suzi Bewell: The above link is a mini guide to how to enter the IFRU Pop Music Competition. Please do contact me @suzibewell on Twitter if you want my help
02:15:57 jhiggins: So pleased I registered and joined you tonight. Got lots from this and it’s given me a real boost. Will definitely be looking through lots of these ideas. My daughter who’s studying French at uni has also been listening in and is equally as keen to look through the sites. Merci a tous
02:16:02 Negin Shabestari: Thanks Hellen, Joe and ALL
02:16:11 karen: Thank you so much – this was fantastic!
02:16:12 Florence Barats: You have stopped my video1
02:16:20 armonybonney: Same here
02:16:40 Philip Campagna: Great to see such interest for the Pop Video Competition
02:17:11 Florence Barats: still cannot open my video!
02:17:38 Suzi Bewell: Merci encore 🙂
02:17:39 Philip Campagna: Host blocked video!!!!
02:17:45 armonybonney: Thank for for all the info tonight
02:18:08 Sophie’s iPhone: Merci!
02:18:20 Benoît Le Dévédec: http://www.delfdalf.fr/index-en.html
02:18:26 ALL London: Video now open!
02:18:32 Suzi Bewell: Hi Helen
02:18:35 ALL London: Showe yourselves!!!!
02:18:44 Florence Barats: video still not open!
02:18:45 HELEN Stokes: Hi Suzi
02:18:56 armonybonney: The mic is open but not the video
02:19:29 Suzi Bewell: Joe are you not all ZOOMed out???
02:19:31 Elena Huston: Merci )))
02:19:55 Anne: Encore merci et bonne soirée
02:20:27 Karine Cook: Hilarious
02:20:38 Negin Shabestari: very funny
02:20:59 Karine Cook: You can do it Joe
02:21:00 Laurence Gillham: Merci pour vos presentations! Il me tarde d’explorer toutes ces ressources!
02:21:56 Suzi Bewell: Crying
02:21:56 Kate R: Yes, thank you ALL
02:22:07 armonybonney: Got to go, thank you again. See you all very soon
02:22:08 Philip Campagna: Suzi on the sousaphone!!!
02:22:17 Benoît Le Dévédec: education@institut-francais.org.uk
02:22:21 Negin Shabestari: Thanks to everyone for organising this very useful webinar.
02:22:27 Suzi Bewell: Pas moi…j’suis sage!
02:22:45 Philip Campagna: 😉
02:22:50 Ali Koubaa: Merci beaucoup pour votre travail. Vous êtes super
02:22:54 christinamemou: Merci, c’est gentil!!!
02:23:00 Karine Cook: tu te déguises Suzi?
02:23:01 Suzi Bewell: Avec plaisir
02:23:09 Suzi Bewell: Pas ce soir!
02:23:09 Yasmine: Merci bcp!
02:23:19 christinamemou: Au revoir!
02:23:29 HELEN Stokes: Merci bonsoir!
02:23:34 Beata: Merci beaucoup
02:23:36 Helen McFarlane: Merci encore – bonne soirée!
02:23:37 Veronique Parrott: \thanks again everyone
02:23:39 Les Petits Bilingues de Newham: merci à tous
02:23:46 Karine Cook: Bye
02:23:47 Leti Davis: merci!
02:23:47 christinamemou: A très bientôt!
02:23:48 Florence Barats: Merci!
02:23:49 Elena Huston: Au revoir))) xxx
02:23:49 Joanna Barber: thank you
02:23:53 Les Petits Bilingues de Newham: au revoir
02:24:08 apple: Mdci du coeur
02:24:11 Mart Wilmin: Merck! Mrs Brown’s Boys now. Good timing
02:24:14 apple: merci
02:24:18 Mart Wilmin: merci
02:24:19 apple: Au revoir
02:24:41 Mithal: Merci 😊
02:24:47 Les Petits Bilingues de Newham: merci !!😊